Monday, July 26, 2010

Making big splashes on rainy days

Dearest Ashley,

Thanks to you, we left for school at 6:15am and the 10 mins journey was smooth and easy. Compared to the 1-hour heavy jam we had the other day, we got to enjoy the rain this morning. Coincidentially, the moment we got into the car, we heard Ocean singing, "Let it rain, let it rain, though we are totally drenched, I can still see the sunshine in your eyes. Let us smile and hold each other's hands even tighter." Isn't it beautiful?

We were discussing about how road conditions represent life. Compared to people who were still sleeping, early birds were the minority. It is hard to wake up early especially on a rainy day. By the same token, it is hard to practise hardwork and discipline. Just like the road we travelled on today, we only spotted a few cars.

What a fantastic way to start our day! We were singing with Ocean and enjoying the big splashes while driving in the heavy rain. Conversely, we were panicking and sweating when we were caught in the jam to school when we woke up late and you only reached school at 8am! Without a doubt, you agreed with Mummy that we want to choose a smoother and happier life journey make up of hardwork and discipline. Mummy is proud of you as you made this important commitment to practise hardwork and discipline for a bright future.

I know you like rainy days as much as sunny days. You enjoy the big splashes and strong wind on rainy days. For the drivers, rainy days mean blurry vision and extra-cautious driving. We were also chatting about how rainy days represent the setbacks in life and if we were splashed on right at our face, we should stay calm as anxiety will cause more danger. On the other hand, we can enjoy making big splashes while driving through puddles. We just have to make sure we don't splash on others. Hahaha...

Just to share with you the Words of Wisdom for today:

"We are disturbed not by what happens to us, but by our thoughts about what happens."
~ Epictetus, Greek Philosopher

Mummy who loves to sing and dance in the rain

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