Monday, January 31, 2011

I strive to be the Shining Star to my kids!

Dearest Ashley and Abby,

You guys grow up unbelieveably fast. Blink and Kor Kor will go army in 9 years' time. Blink and my Princess may study overseas in 13 years' time, living lives of your own. It seems like only yesterday that I carried my two newborns in my arms, smiling so innocently at Mummy. Our Home Videos never fails to bring back loads of heart-warming memories when you guys were little babies and toddlers. So cute!

Now, Ashley is 9, singing and playing piano so beautifully that is beyond my imagination and sharing his vision for his future (he wants to be a World-Class Singer). Abby just turned 5 this month, the sweetest and caring girl in the whole universe and sharing her newly created stories and songs with me every night. For Mummy, it's a mixed feeling watching you guys grow up so quickly.

I guess all I can do is to stay devoted to you and be generous with my time. You guys know you have always been my number-one priority.

Mummy strives to be a Shining Star to guide you in your growing up years. I'll following the receipe of a Shining Star Mum:

1. Lead by Example. I respect my parents and elders and expect you to be respectful to your grand-parents and elders. I refrain from cold drinks and unhealthy snacks and please do not indulge in cold drinks and unhealthy snacks. I'm positive and open-minded to new experiences and encourage you to try new things and hey, everything is possible, if you think you can do it. I'm honest and candid with you and accept nothing less from you. The list goes on...

2. Develop my kids. As a Head Hunter, Mummy spots Talents. As a Mum, I develop Talents. Mum exposes you to performing arts (wushu & cultural dance) when you were 3years old and Ashley has agreed to continue his wushu after his 6th year to build a strong foundation for dancing. Mum introduced passionate people like Kieran Kor Kor, Jiu Jian Laoshi to you so that you could witness their brilliance and hopefully, be as brilliant as them.

3.Inspire my kids. Mummy teaches you how to view the world and how the world works. And if you see the world as a place of limitation, so it will be. And if you see the world as a place of possibilities, so it will be. Ashley, take the example of you from not knowing how to cartwheel to doing the cartwheel flip without your hands touching the ground. You have proven to yourself that it is possible to achieve something that you thought it was impossible when you were younger. If you gave up trying, you will never do the flip. Good thing is you see the world of possibilities and you did it. Well done!

I can see the effort and hard work you guys put in. Likewise, Mummy is working hard to be the Shining Star to you too. Am sure we will develop our own brilliance that will shine on others too.

Love You,
Your Mummy who embraces what's possible!

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