Friday, January 7, 2011

Ashley's SWOT Analysis

Dearest Ashley,

Remember what we discussed on the last night of 2010? Here's the recap:

Ashley's Strengths perceived by Mummy: Jovial, Friendly, Talented and Kind
How you see yourself: Singing, Computer, Wii and generate great ideas

Ashley's Weaknesses perceived by Mummy: Too sensitive, self-centred, emotional rollar-coaster and yet to live up to your full potential
How you see yourself: Time & Anger Management and have not reached my full potential

Ashley's Goals:
1. Practise ABC at all times
2. Talk about my frustrations and emotions, don't act out.
3. Come in 100th position in school
4. Act in a English Musical like Lion King

Ashley's Distractions: Wii, Computer games and TV

I know you're unhappy when Mummy talked about your weaknesses. As mentioned, any humans, kids or adults, need to be aware of their current state of behaviour/mind before one can make changes/improvements to better one's life. As promised, I will not keep reminding you of your shortcomings as you are now aware and make a conscious effort to improve. A promise is a promise. Cheers!

Mummy always by your side

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