Monday, February 7, 2011

Our Antique CRT TV is still sitting at home

Dearest Ashley & Abby,

Do you notice our TV is bulkier and smaller than all the TVs we come across at our relatives and friends' homes? Our TV belongs to the older generation of Cathode Ray Tube TVs compared to the modern LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) TVs. I bet you can't find another CRT TV in any homes we visited.

The good thing about CRT TV is it is very durable. This TV has been with us since the day Ashley was born. Yes, 9 years old and still going strong. Another good thing I observed when Ashley's friends came over for Wii games, the boys seem to enjoy themselves so much that they are indifferent to the size of the TV. Our TV is significantly smaller than theirs at home.

You may ask Mum why I didn't get a LCD TV like our friends. The answer is very simple. I did but your Dad said, "No". His feels that it is not right to throw things away when it is still working fine. Dad is a thrifty man. Remember the inspiring story I shared with you about a single mum single-handledly raised 8 children by selling noodles in school canteen?

The lesson learnt is, "It is not how much we earn but how much we save"

Dad truly embraces this teaching. When was the last time he bought something nice for himself? Not really. Though he saved on himself, he is willing to invest in his children. Asked around and see if your friends have attended Adam Khoo and Mindchamps? Not many. You attended Mindchamps at P1 and Adam Khoo at P3. Total sum is $7,000. Enough to buy 7 LCD TVs. If you ask your Dad at any point in his life, he will choose to invest in your education rather than buy the 7 LCD TVs. Got it?

Mummy is happy to marry a man who shares the same values as me in my outlook in life such as how we value money and parenting, etc. Mum may be the one who signed you up for all the enrichment classes like singing, wushu and motivational camps, without your Dad's blessing, we will not have enjoyed your learning journey.

Money is important, but not the Most Important. To me, the Most Important thing is to raise good children who are so willing to spread goodness in this world in your own special ways when you grow up. This is Priceless.

Love you both,
Mum & Dad

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