Friday, February 25, 2011

Lots to learn from this Amazingly Wise Dad!

Dear Ashley and Abby,

I met an amazingly wise Dad this morning. He has a girl and a boy just like you guys. He shared with me several meaningful life stories that I feel we should also embrace them at home too.

He has 2 ground rules at home:
1) He encouraged his children to make friends with kids of different nationalities. They are Indians, but they have friends who are Chinese, Malay and Eurasians. Getting to know friends of different race allows us to appreciate a wide spectrum of different colourful cultures. Embrace diversity!

2) He encourages his children to invite their friends to their home. He enjoys meeting their friends. A fun way to build extended family outside home. As the Chinese saying goes 在家靠父母,出外靠朋友 means when you're at home, you depend on your parents, and you depend on friends when you step out of your home. Always a blessing to surround yourself with good friends whom you can count on.

His Teachers shared the following wisdom with him and his class when he was your age:
1. Do not judge a person, get to know the person better first

2. Do not look down on people, respect everyone

3. Do not manage by fear, manage by love

4. Enjoy a holistic learning by being active in sports, music, literature and study

5. Once, his Teacher drew a black dot on a big white board and asked the class what do they see. Everyone replied that they saw a black dot. The Teacher then asked, did anyone notice the big white space surrounding the black dot. It is human nature to focus on that black dot and overlooked the white space. We can do good 99% of the time but once we made a grave mistake like the black dot, everyone just focus on that black dot. We need to be mindful of our actions at all times.

Btw, his children play the piano too. You guys can play your compositions for one another when you meet. Mummy should really introduce you to them as I suddenly realise you do not have any Indian friends as your school is filled with 99% Chinese students!

Mummy Dearest

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