Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Funniest Storyteller Award goes to....

Dearest Ashley and Abby,

Unquestionably, the Funniest Storyteller Award goes to....Your Daddy. You guys were laughing so loudly that I'm sure the whole neighbourhood could hear your laughter.

The lively characters such as the Big Baby, Boots the Monkey, Mickey Mouse, Strawberry Shortcake and many more came alive in Daddy's hilarious story. Personally, I like Boots the Monkey best as he is so funny. Remember he said he liked his upside down banana tree and when Mickey Mouse asked him where was the upside down banana tree, he said, you just hang upside down on the banana tree and you would see the upside down banana tree. Hahaha....

Aren't you glad that I finally videoed Daddy and his funny story using my iPhone? Next time when you want Daddy to tell you another funny story but he is busy at work, you can just listen to him on the iPhone. Please give Daddy a breather at times so that he can think of another funny story to share with us the next time. Be patient and appreciative ok?

Lots of Hugs and Kisses,
Mum & Dad who love to hear your thunderous laughter

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