Monday, September 19, 2011

Important lessons by Stillwater the Panda from Zen shorts

Dearest Ashley and Abby,

Don't you adore Stillwater the Panda and the three stories he shared with his new friends Karl, Michael, and Addy? Here's the first story "良叔叔与月亮"....

良叔叔 is a kind man. He leads a simple life with bare necessities.  He always gives something to his guests when they visit him, including the robber who broke into his house.  He could not find anything in his house so he gave his only tattered robe to the robber.

Like his name, 善良的善, he is very kind.  He does not judge people but is sincere to everyone. He even wishes the robber could one day receives the 明月in his heart to guide him (the moon symbolizes the light in the darkness). 

Here's the second story"塞翁矢马"...

The farmer 塞翁 is very poor but hardworking.  One day, his only horse ran away.  His neighbours sympathized him and said, "What bad luck you have." He said, "Maybe." Few days later, his horse came back with two wild horses.  His neighbours said to you, "What good luck you have!" He said, "Maybe." Later, his son fell from the untamed horse and broke his leg.  Again, his neighbours said,"What bad luck you have." He said,"Maybe." Few days later, the army came to gather all the young men to fight the war but decided not to take his son as his leg was broken, his neighbours said,"What good luck you have." As usual, he said,"Maybe."

Sometimes, bad news may result in good outcome at the end and vice versa. As what Forest Gump said, "Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you are going to get." Any experience, good or bad, is part of a learning journey for us.  We just have to embrace them.  Remember what Mum said to you yesterday in the car when you said you almost died after 2.5 hours of strenuous back flip wushu practice?  What does not kill you make you stronger.  Hey, you're stronger than the day before.  Congrats!!!

Here's the third story "老僧与小僧"...

An old monk and his young disciple met a lady in a carriage.  The lady could not get off the carriage as there was a puddle of water.  Her servant could not help her as they were carrying her belongings.  The old monk just piggy back her from the carriage to the shop. The lady was very rude towards the old monk and did not even thank him for his help.  The old monk just kept quiet and continued his journey.  His young disciple was fuming mad and after 2 hours of walking, he finally asked the old monk why didn't he feel angry about the impolite lady?  The old monk replied,"I already put her down 2 hours ago and why are you still holding on to her?"

Sometimes, we tend to hold on to negative feelings such as anger or jealousy for too long. It is better to let go such emotions so that we can move on and be happy again.

Mummy enjoys the three stories very much.  So meaningful and profound.  Like Stillwater, it is very important for us to have a clear mind so that we can see things better.  Just like the clear water in the pond, you can see the reflection of the sky clearly.  Conversely, if our mind is crowded with negative thoughts and feelings, we cannot see things clearly.  Can you still see the reflection of the clear blue sky if the water is rippled?

So good to be your Mum 'cos if not for you, I would never get to know this wonderful panda, Stillwater. Stillness inspires Peacefulness and Wisdom, creates Meaningful Life and Miracle!

Mummy Dearest

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