Thursday, June 16, 2011

Ashley, I can't believe you still remember the Hazel Park Treasure Hunt when you were 3+ years old!

Dearest Ashley,

When your cousins came for a sleepover last weekend, you played a fantastic host cum Big Brother to your younger cousins. First you played the piano for them then you read a story book for them before their bedtime.

The next morning, you taught them Math and even organized a Treasure Hunt at various stations single-handedly in our home. I overheard your conservation with the girls and were amused by your planning and execution. You even prepared a prize presentation for them. So thoughtful of you! You have the potential to become a Leadership camp coach!

When you mentioned you could still remember the Treasure Hunt I designed for you when you were 3+ years old, I was thrown off the chair. I couldn't believe it as it had been almost 7 years old. Mummy would hide some goodie at different floors in our block and you would take the lift to look for the treasure using the map drawn by me.

Time flies...the chubby little boy has grown into a talented young man. When I looked back, I feel that I made the right decision to take a 8-month break to bond with you as well as focused on my pregnancy. The precious moments like playing Treasure Hunt, Monopoly, UNO, Donkey, Pictionary, visiting the Zoo and Library, attending 读经班, going for evening walks with Dad, reading a long train of at least 10 Dinosaurs books every bedtime, singing our favourite songs like 大象长长的鼻子真昂扬,太阳公公起床了,When I look into Mum's eyes, I see my face smiling back at me, and many many sweet memories. Do you remember you were so engrossed in the new board games, "Fish eat Fish" that you wanted us to play the game all night long in Rasa Sentosa Hotel room?

I will always cherish these precious childhood of yours forever. Love you, son.

Hugs and Kisses,
Mummy Dearest

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