Dearest Ashley,
As agreed, Mum has translated the Chinese article on "The Secret of Happiness" by the Happiest Man on Earth, Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche. Happy Reading...
His book was ranked among the top seller in New York Times and was translated into 20 different languages. Here's his reply to reporters in Singapore recently...
Q: How can one be truly happy?
A: He has never neither thought of himself as the Happiest Man nor is he happy. To him, Happiness is a feeling of inner serenity, peace, clarity and contentment. Happiness does not derived from external environment.
Everyone of us has an inner true serenity. If you can see the inner Happiness, then the Happiness Flower will blossom, that's true Happiness. If Happiness is dependent on external environment, then Happiness is like the stock market, goes up and down.
Many are in search of Happiness from external environment and may eventually achieve Happiness. However, the search of external Happiness continues.
He suffered from serious Phobias when he was young. He discovered the secret to overcome his Phobias was to make friends with his fear and pain. Treat them as our best friend and you can become contented.
How can one turned pain into Happiness? Here's his views regarding some of the social issues:
Q: Singaporeans pursue Material Living, it is almost unthinkable to lead a simple living. What are your thought?
A: Some people think that simple living means giving up. Actually, it is not about giving up. Letting go and giving up are different. Letting go your persistence. Life goes on, but you are less selfish, less aggressive and less greedy. You accept reality, you did your best but are not concerned with the outcome as you accept this is life.
Q: Many Singaporeans feel pressurized. Why?
A: The root cause of feeling pressured is discontentment. In today's highly competitive world, we are always comparing, such greed will increase pressure. We will think, "I'm not good enough, I don't have enough money, I can't do this". When our heart couldn't take the burden, we eventually choose to give up.
We always want to be No. 1 and will never give others the opportunity. Such thinking is incorrect and stressful. This is selfish. Conversely, when one work with compassion and benevolence, one can also achieve success.
If you help others and others help you, it is a win-win situation. Others will be drawn to you.
Q:The younger generation in Singapore generally lacks emotional resilience and crumble under pressure. Some kids even thought of ending their life when they get scolded by their parents for their poor grades. Some kids are easily angered, a staring incident could result in violence, why?
A: Kids are becoming too sensitive as since young, they are greatly influenced by the modern society, affected by pressure and unhappiness. Our society constantly sends out this message, "You must come in First!" Growing up in such society makes the heart ultra-sensitive.
What parents can do in today's society is to give love, guide the children. Children does not have much understanding of how the world works as they lack life experience. They do not know what is suffering, what problems will arise. Thus, when they are faced with challenges, they appeared weak. As parents, we should not add more burden to our children. We should be their friend, try to understand their thinking so as to guide them, show them how to let go not give up. Inspire them, share with them what is compassion, doing good, contentment etc.
Doing good, caring and wisdom are the essential sauce in life and lacking which, living will be dry. When a problem arises, we can't think of a solution. Children do not wish to follow their parents' footstep to slog in their office and feel that making money and education are of little use and purpose. They feel lost and do not know their purpose in life.
Q: What is Wisdom?
A: Wisdom is gained through learning and experience. Clever and wise are very different. A clever person may not be kind or fully appreciate and understand situations. Being clever allows you to see things in one direction, just one dot but not the full picture. Some clever people are good at telling lies and cheating. This is not wisdom.
Q: What is suffering?
A: Suffering occurs when things do not go according to your plan. The cause of suffering varies one person to another. Suffering derives from one's state of mind and feeling, not from external factors. However, we choose to believe and that's where the problem lies.
PS - This is purely my personal interpretation. I agree with Yongey that True Happiness derives from Inner Happiness.