Monday, September 13, 2010

Ashley signed me up as a Parent Volunteer

Dearest Ashley,

Thanks to you. I never knew being a Parent Volunteer can be so fun! Though I was not assigned to your team at the Swim Saver Program, I get to see you from far on the 1st day. You had so much fun with the boys in the pool. Mummy is very glad to see my happy boy surrounded by friends wherever you go.

I didn't know I was the only Parent Volunteer last Sat at your drama club's performance at Clementi Moon cake festival celebration. Mummy enjoyed your company as much as you enjoyed mine. I got to help out in carrying things, helping the kids make up, fixing the girls' hair and helping the kids with the costume. The best part is to see you guys rehearsed and the actual performance. You guys were great! Your Tortoise role came alive with your superb performance. You spoke and walked so slowly like a real Tortoise. I love the part you told the Hare how you won the race,"While you were sleeping, I continue to walk. I'm constant and patient." That is the spirit in learning too.

The bonus as a Parent Volunteer is to get to know your classmates, teachers and other parents better. I know your juicy stories in school. Most teachers gave me good feedback about you. See, you're an obedient and humble boy in their eyes. So, please don't assume that your teachers see you as a naughty boy.

Thanks for volunteering me. I've got to know so much about the new you in school. Just do me a favour. Next time, please ask me first before you put up my name. Btw, I've volunteered myself in your class upcoming Children's Day Party as being a Parent Volunteer has become my new found hobby. Cheers!

Always your No. 1 Fan,
Your Mummy Dearest

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