Dearest Ashley,
Today is the 1st day of school and I'm already seeing the qualities of the SUPER Student in you -
S- Self-starter/Shaker behavior - You packed your bag and wallet the night before
U - Understanding - You're more understanding and willing to evaluate other options rather
than insisting on your way
P - Persistent - You're more persistent in practising piano and reading Chinese storybooks
E- Enthusiastic - You're very enthusiastic about P5 and first day in school esp. holding the flag
R- Responsible - You're more responsible in organizing your work and time
You've also committed to practise what you learned in the SUPER Student workshop esp. whole brain learning, mind mapping and output learning.
P5 is going to be a challenging year but with the SUPER STUDENT ATTITUDE and extra hard work, it will become the BEST year in school for you. Once you conquer P5, P6 will be a breeze and you will enjoy the process of preparing for PSLE just like Wei Hann.
With Focus, Hard work and Effective Time Management skill, you will enjoy your two CCAs and excel academically. Remember Ka Mei Li Duo said," There's more to sleeping. I want to have a star!" By the same token, there's more to exams. The learning journey is the reward. Learning is Fun!
Son, it is time to unleash your full potential and fly!
Love you always,
Mummy Dearest
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