Sunday, September 18, 2011

Letter to the Best Son in the World Wide World on my Birthday

Dearest Ashley,

With your permission, Mummy is posting this letter on my blog...

Today marks the day I was born 39 years ago. On this special day, I wish to express my appreciation to you, my beloved Prince.

I've created a poem especially for you on my birthday. I hope you like it.

You're my No. 1 Idol - Intelligent. Kind, Helpful, Fearless, Focused, Funny and Talented.

I love you with all my heart, my Precious Warrior.

Fearless Horse. Joyful Monkey. Talented Humming Bird

Like A Fearless Horse,
You gallop swiftly like the wind,
Braving through steep mountains and deep valleys,
You lead your family and companions to a safe haven.

Like A Joyful Monkey,
Your contagious laughter brings joy to everyone,
Your presence uplifts the good spirit in all of us,
You are You, and we simply love who you are.

Like A Talented Humming Bird,
Your Beautiful voice rings in our ears and strikes a cord in our hearts,
Even a casual flap of your wings or an accidental release of gas,
is still music to our ears.

Mummy Dearest

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