Dearest Ashley,
Mummy was very pleased that you found a new buddy, Jun Henn. Mummy simply enjoyed watching you guys taking turns to play the piano, learning from each other new piano pieces such as River flows in me, Baby Baby, Never say Never, etc; paying full concentration in completing your homework; discussing the topic on Trustworthiness after a simple home-cooked lunch of cod fish and tempura; playing Wii and swimming, etc. Enjoy the videos and photos!
True friendship can start instantly but takes time to build. Here are some qualities you find in good friends:
1. A good friend is someone you can trust and trust you
2. A good friend cares about you
3. A good friend sticks with you in good times and bad
4. A good friend accepts you for who you are
Remembered the part the two boys discovered their good friend is learning ballet in "Before I was awesome" last night? They accepted their friend for who he is and affirmed him that they are still his good friends even though he may wear his tutu someday. That's acceptance.
5. A good friend is supportive of you and your goals
If your friends continue to tease you that singing and dancing on stage is sissy, then they are not supportive of your goal to be a singer. A good friend shares your dream and supports you all the way.
6. A good friend is attentive and listening
7. A good friend is fun and interesting
Friends come and go. True friends stay by your side always.
Lots of Hugs and Kisses,
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