Dearest Ashley,
Yesterday, Mummy enjoyed cooking for you the entire day. Morning, we had Mum's famous banana cake for breakfast, baked cod fish for lunch, butter corn for tea break and sweet melon for desert.
We even learned how to play "River flows in me" together. Mummy read aloud the notes from Youtube while you played out the notes on the piano. I just realized a better way of learning how to play new pieces from Youtube - Get you a iPad and place it in front of you on the piano! How about that?
You've been pestering us to get an iPad for the longest time but we do not see the need. Now, Mummy feels that having an iPad on the piano will allow you to learn new pieces from Youtube much easier than Mummy shouting out the notes to you from another end of the house. The only condition is that you must make good use of the iPad.
Mum and Dad will support your passion in learning. Remember what Mummy said to you? If the thing is beneficial to you, we'll get it for you. If the thing is not beneficial to you, we'll reject it even if it is free.
Mummy Dearest
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Ashley,"Mum, your banana cake is famous now!"
You really know how to motivate Mummy to cook and bake. So far, I only know how to bake banana cake and last Sunday was my 3rd attempt to cake one for your Teachers at DES. While I was busy baking cake, you commented,"Mum, your banana cake is famous now!" I was so touched.
At the Teachers' Day party, you brought me a piece of chocolate cake before you got your own food. Mummy was touched again as I saw a boy who remembered to feed Mummy before self. Thank you, my filial son.
I was pleasantly surprised when Abby and you went straight for my banana cake among all the food on the table. You even brought Mum's banana cake to your teachers. That moment, I knew you were proud of Mummy's banana cake. Thank you for being so proud of me and my banana cake. I could never imagine that as I only learn how to bake my very first cake one month ago. Guess what? Suddenly Mummy has this urge to attend baking class to learn the proper techniques of baking banana cake, cheese cake, pandan chiffon cake and many other delicious cake in case you get tired of eating Mum's banana cake. Hahaha...
Mummy Dearest
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Ashley, don't you feel good playing "Genossa"!
Dearest Ashley,
Thanks to Kieran, your No. 1 Idol, you learned a new piece, "Genossa" just in time for Auntie Pat's birthday. She enjoyed your piano recitation and even gave you a kiss! See, if you put your heart in things you believe in, you can do it.
From the day you received the score from Kieran on Wed to your second piano practice on Friday evening, you've spent about 3~4 hours learning the new piece. Mum & Dad are very proud of you. More importantly, you are proud of yourself. Well done. Please continue to spread joy to people around you with your gift.
Mummy Dearest
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
So nice to find a friend who shares the same interests as you!
Dearest Ashley,
Mummy was very pleased that you found a new buddy, Jun Henn. Mummy simply enjoyed watching you guys taking turns to play the piano, learning from each other new piano pieces such as River flows in me, Baby Baby, Never say Never, etc; paying full concentration in completing your homework; discussing the topic on Trustworthiness after a simple home-cooked lunch of cod fish and tempura; playing Wii and swimming, etc. Enjoy the videos and photos!
True friendship can start instantly but takes time to build. Here are some qualities you find in good friends:
1. A good friend is someone you can trust and trust you
2. A good friend cares about you
3. A good friend sticks with you in good times and bad
4. A good friend accepts you for who you are
Remembered the part the two boys discovered their good friend is learning ballet in "Before I was awesome" last night? They accepted their friend for who he is and affirmed him that they are still his good friends even though he may wear his tutu someday. That's acceptance.
5. A good friend is supportive of you and your goals
If your friends continue to tease you that singing and dancing on stage is sissy, then they are not supportive of your goal to be a singer. A good friend shares your dream and supports you all the way.
6. A good friend is attentive and listening
7. A good friend is fun and interesting
Friends come and go. True friends stay by your side always.
Lots of Hugs and Kisses,
Monday, August 22, 2011
Mummy sang 天黑黑 accompanied by Abby on piano
Dearest Abby,
So sweet of you to invite Mummy to sing with you while you play the piano last evening. You played so beautifully. It's a pity that Mummy sang wrongly as I wasn't prepared. I'll do better the next time.
Mummy Dearest
So sweet of you to invite Mummy to sing with you while you play the piano last evening. You played so beautifully. It's a pity that Mummy sang wrongly as I wasn't prepared. I'll do better the next time.
Mummy Dearest
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
So nice to have a sibling to play with anytime, anywhere
Dearest Ashley & Abby,
Mum & Dad feel very happy when we see you guys play together joyfully. See, wherever you are, your sibling is always with you. You guys had a great time flying kite and playing in the water at Marina Barrage.
Mum & Dad feel very happy when we see you guys play together joyfully. See, wherever you are, your sibling is always with you. You guys had a great time flying kite and playing in the water at Marina Barrage.
Blood is thicker than water. Siblings are the ones who share your childhood memories the most. Love your sibling with all your heart and your sibling will reciprocate your love even more.
Mum & Dad
Performance at the Heritage Fest Celebration
Dearest Ashley & Abby,
Do you know each time you perform, Mum & Dad are among the first to reach the performance venue? It is a privilege to be selected to perform at the Heritage Fest celebration. We guys did well though you complained the stage was too small. As performers, you need to be adaptable to new stage and environment. Make the best of what is available. How I wish I could dance and master the wushu moves like both of you!
Mum & Dad
Monday, August 15, 2011
Splendid performance at Hazel Park Condo Poolside Party!
Dearest Ashley & Abby,
Mum and Dad are very proud of you. Our favourite is the duet "森林" by Ashley and Abby, a great illustration of sibling love and cooperation. Well done, kids!
Ashley surprised us by singing 8 songs non-stop. Mummy was so worried that you couldn't hold your voice but you did it. After you finished the last song, you turned pale and collapsed on a chair. After 15 minutes of resting, you were back to your bubbly self again and started practising "Baby Baby" song with Evan. Though you did not win the top 3 prizes, in my heart, you had won as you had demonstrated the spirit of determination, passion and perseverance that night. Well done! Keep up the good spirit, Ashley!
Mummy would like to congratulate you for being a good leader that night. You were able to organize the group and led the group well. 玖健老师 must be very pleased with you. Below is his comments after watching the video on FB:
"光年创艺学生鼎祥与妹妹Abby(5岁〕现场表演”森林“我一首相当有难度的作品,热诚,勇气与水准都值得嘉奖。thumbs up for Ashley and Abby performing my song "Forrest" at Hazel park resident night not long ago, i think they were much more relax when i am not around , happy to see them enjoyed performing and bring joy to others."
Mum & Dad don't mind you guys singing in the lift, toilet, car, bedroom or walking on the street as whenever you sing, you bring joy to us except when you sing too loud in the car! Hahaha...
Mum & Dad, your No. 1 Fan
Mummy would like to congratulate you for being a good leader that night. You were able to organize the group and led the group well. 玖健老师 must be very pleased with you. Below is his comments after watching the video on FB:
"光年创艺学生鼎祥与妹妹Abby(5岁〕现场表演”森林“我一首相当有难度的作品,热诚,勇气与水准都值得嘉奖。thumbs up for Ashley and Abby performing my song "Forrest" at Hazel park resident night not long ago, i think they were much more relax when i am not around , happy to see them enjoyed performing and bring joy to others."
Mum & Dad don't mind you guys singing in the lift, toilet, car, bedroom or walking on the street as whenever you sing, you bring joy to us except when you sing too loud in the car! Hahaha...
Mum & Dad, your No. 1 Fan
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
1. What is more important? To win an argument or treasure the relationship in a family?
Below is a sms he sent to his older child who had an argument with his younger child:
2. Communicate with kids on a daily basis even though they are grown-ups.
Below are two typical sms he sent to his kids on a daily basis:
3. 孟母为什么要三迁?
释文)从前孟子小的时候,父亲早早地死去了,母亲守节没有改嫁。一开始,他们住在墓地旁边。孟子就和邻居的小孩一起学着大人跪拜、哭嚎的样 子,玩起办理丧事的游戏。孟子的妈妈看到了,就皱起眉头:“不行!我不能让我的孩子住在这里了!”孟子的妈妈就带着孟子搬到市集,靠近杀猪宰羊的地方去 住。到了市集,孟子又和邻居的小孩,学起商人做生意和屠宰猪羊的事。孟子的妈妈知道了,又皱皱眉头:“这个地方也不适合我的孩子居住!”于是,他们又搬家 了。这一次,他们搬到了学校附近。每月夏历初一这个时候,官员到文庙,行礼跪拜,互相礼貌相待,孟子见了之后都学习记住。孟子的妈妈很满意地点着头说: “这才是我儿子应该住的地方呀!”于是居住在了这个地方。
后来,大家就用“孟母三迁”来表示人应该要接近好的人、事、物,才能学习到好的习惯。 这也说明了环境能改变一个人的爱好和习惯。
You may just understand 10% of the message. That's good enough. Perhaps, next time when you read this article again, you'll gain another 20% understanding. As long as we learn something new everyday, not just academic but social-emotional aspects, and share what we learned and apply that in our daily life, we will enrich our lives as well as others. Life is Great!
Mummy Dearest
1. What is more important? To win an argument or treasure the relationship in a family?
Below is a sms he sent to his older child who had an argument with his younger child:
2. Communicate with kids on a daily basis even though they are grown-ups.
Below are two typical sms he sent to his kids on a daily basis:
3. 孟母为什么要三迁?
释文)从前孟子小的时候,父亲早早地死去了,母亲守节没有改嫁。一开始,他们住在墓地旁边。孟子就和邻居的小孩一起学着大人跪拜、哭嚎的样 子,玩起办理丧事的游戏。孟子的妈妈看到了,就皱起眉头:“不行!我不能让我的孩子住在这里了!”孟子的妈妈就带着孟子搬到市集,靠近杀猪宰羊的地方去 住。到了市集,孟子又和邻居的小孩,学起商人做生意和屠宰猪羊的事。孟子的妈妈知道了,又皱皱眉头:“这个地方也不适合我的孩子居住!”于是,他们又搬家 了。这一次,他们搬到了学校附近。每月夏历初一这个时候,官员到文庙,行礼跪拜,互相礼貌相待,孟子见了之后都学习记住。孟子的妈妈很满意地点着头说: “这才是我儿子应该住的地方呀!”于是居住在了这个地方。
后来,大家就用“孟母三迁”来表示人应该要接近好的人、事、物,才能学习到好的习惯。 这也说明了环境能改变一个人的爱好和习惯。
You may just understand 10% of the message. That's good enough. Perhaps, next time when you read this article again, you'll gain another 20% understanding. As long as we learn something new everyday, not just academic but social-emotional aspects, and share what we learned and apply that in our daily life, we will enrich our lives as well as others. Life is Great!
Mummy Dearest
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