Monday, December 31, 2012
Saying goodbye to 2012
Ashley started the game of "What did we learn from one another" in the car yesterday. Here's what Ashley said.
Ashley,"I learn how to compose myself from Daddy. I also learned how to be a good dad."
Wow! That must be the best compliment Daddy gets!
Ashley,"I learn never give up and good values from Mummy."
Am so happy to hear that.
Ashley,"I learned how to be a better teacher to Abby."
Abby is indeed the luckiest girl to have a coaching Kor Kor.
Year 2012 has been a great year for us. Let's work towards a fantastic 2013!
Mum Dearest
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Abby, you're so a brave girl!
Mummy could sense your anxiety as your lovely smile was missing. You pressed on and completed the entire dance. You finally smiled at the ending pose. On our way home, Mummy asked you in the car why you pulled a long face and you said you didn't do well in the dance. Mummy praised you for your courage and hey, you did well. The audience enjoyed your performance. That was 2 Saturday ago.
Yesterday, with more practice, you did the same dance again and this time, you were more confident and smiled beautifully when you danced. Well done, Abby. Mum and Dad are really proud of our little courageous girl.
Enjoy the 2 videos Mummy took during your 1st and 2nd Heritage Fest performance.
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Ashley, you have transformed your mum into a script writer and a song writer!
Last night, while you were drying yourself after shower, you asked mum if you should audition for the Teachers' Day performance. Then you mentioned your class is going to put up a skit and a song item for your form teacher who will be leaving Pei Hwa. You plan to sing solo "世上只有老师好的歌有几首" and you asked Mummy to help you with the lyrics. Wow, you really have lots of ideas and even pulled in your mum!
Mummy is most delighted to help you with the lyrics. The thought is so sweet to honor the teachers with a lovely song. And guess what? Mum has completed the song. Will sing with you when you're awake.
You know, you have uncovered mum's hidden talents - song writing and script writing. Thanks to you, I get to try something new and loving it! When you delivered the speech, I couldn't believe my eyes that my son is reading what I've written as my command of English has always been so so. Got a A for PSLE but C5 for O levels. But I guess as long as we have the passion for it, "the new thing" naturally becomes better. Likewise, this year you tried several new things such as public speaking and Group Chinese Story telling. Gosh...everyone around you can feel your passion! Can't believe "the new thing" becomes a honor to represent school for the 26th YMCA Plain English Speaking Awards and Group Chinese Story telling. You're like a rocket, shooting high up in the sky!
Guess what? Mummy already has some ideas for your next script - "What I learned in School" Gosh...I'm catching your "virus"...can't stop writing now. Hahaha....
Hugs and Kisses,
Your equally "crazy" mum
Abby can swim!
Mum is so proud of you. You set new record yesterday - 12 breast strokes!
You started with 5, then 6, 8, 10 and 12. Well done! Though you swallowed lots of water, you pressed on. When mum wanted to call it a day seeing your red face and nose, you wanted to continue to break your record of 10. And you did! Mummy is so proud of you!
Let's show Dad and Kor Kor your Super Duper 12 breast strokes this Sun!
Your No. 1 Cheerleader
Ashley's performance at the 26th YMCA Plain English Speaking Awards
When you randomly picked the card at the registration counter, your no. is 1. You were shocked but you quickly sprang into action by rehearsing your speech on your own while Mum and Teacher Karen chatted. You gradually embraced the fact that you are the first speaker and followed by 19 other contestants. We tried to comfort you by saying being the first contestant is better as you can enjoy the rest of the event vs. waiting anxiously for your turn.
When Mum saw you staying on stage to deliver your speech "Should we play more?", Mum's heart was at my throat. My heart was pounding away as I watched you. You were steady and confident and you delivered your speech smoothly and convincely. Mum is so proud of you.
During tea break, you asked me where is your standing? You did well and you agreed with me the Indian girl is the best. She speaks like a pro. Hey, if you can pick up some tips from her by observing how she speaks and pauses, and how she connects with the audience, that's part of training to become better.
After tea break, you watched your Ole, your Lion King contender, delivered his speech. He is solid. You agreed with mum that these two strong contenders are ahead of you. Mum is happy that you are objective in your thinking.
Regardless of the outcome, in mum's eyes, you are outstanding, Ashley! The confidence and steadiness you demonstrated on stage is exceptional. Mum can see that you have put in your very best effort! Bravo!
In order to be as natural as the two two contenders, you need more practice. Am sure your coach will "polish" you more. You're a gem in the rough. Your brilliance is starting to show! Cheers!
Your Proud Mummy
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Mummy is so proud of you, Ashley
This morning, Mummy woke up at 5:30am to iron your school uniform. I must say I've never so 认真地iron for a long time, I can't even remember the last time I ironed. As I ironed your school uniform, I was smiling from my heart as I know that my little Prince is maturing....
Remember you complained in the first few days after school reopened because you have to stay in school for rehearsals for drama club, Group Chinese story telling and English Speaking awards till 6:30pm everyday. However, after you immersed yourself in the rehearsals, your passion grew and the complaints ceased. Whenever I fetched you from school, you'll rehearse the script in the car. Mummy is literally "moved" by your passion that I've to keep a distance from you as you were sound so loud in the car that shook the car, Mummy and Abby. Hahaha...
You mentioned you will be very proud of yourself if you made it to the finals during dinner last night. Mum said that you should be very proud of yourself to be selected to represent school in both national events. I don't know how you did it but hey, Mummy is the Proudest Mum right now in this whole universe. From the few weeks of intensive training, Mum can see that you put in tremendous effort. In this world, a simple equation governs the whole universe i.e. Efforts + Focus = Results
P4 set the positive note for you and P5 sets the new benchmark for yourself.
Keep up the good work and great effort, my son. You will ripe the fruits of your labor without you even knowing!
Your No. 1 Fan, Mummy
Monday, May 7, 2012
A song by Abby dedicated to all loving Mums & Dads in the whole universe
Thanks for sharing such a meaningful song with Mummy. I love it. Enjoy the video!
Love you,
Mummy Dearest
Adventure at Bukit Timah with Ashwyn & Ashmund!
Dearest Abby,
Mummy can see that you're so happy when your cousins came sleepover at out home followed by outdoor adventure the next day.
Mummy had captured some interesting videos and pictures of a bundle of energetic and merry kids during the adventure. Have fun!
Love you,
Mummy dearest
Siblings bonding through playing chinese chess together
Dearest Ashley & Abby,
Mum loves watching you guys play Chinese chess - thinking hard and strategizing in a fun and light-hearted manner. Am so glad Daddy cultivates this interest in both of you. Btw, Mummy loves singing, dancing, cooking, baking and cycling with you but not chess. Please enjoy the game while I video you. Cheers!
Mummy dearest
Abby's creativity "wowed" me!
Dearest Abby,
Mummy was pleasantly surprised by your creativity - you made the pink flower and clipped in it on your hair. WOW! You even made pink flowers for Godma, Nainai and Aunty Juni today. So sweet of you.
Mummy was amazed by your choreography of the storytelling especially the part you hid behind the sofa and the part you threw away the teddy bear at the end. Very "out of the blue". Well done!
Ashley playing "Carnival in Rio" & "Dream of the Forgotten child"
Mum, Dad and Abby enjoyed your piano recitation last night. Abby even danced along with the tune "Carnival in Rio". Am sure you'll ace your G4 exams next Feb. More importantly, you seem so relaxed when you play the piano. Though you started about 1.7 years ago, you have made great progress. As Mum always says, "Talent without hard work is wasted talent; Talent with hard work is celebrated talent!" Am sure you'll go very far with your music talents. Cheers!
Mummy Dearest
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Abby's first show & tell
See, show & tell is fun! Mummy finally delivered my show & tell after 10 Takes whereas you did it in 3 Takes. And the best part was you introduced the surprise element and own words in your show & tell. Well done! After the show & tell, Mummy learned so much about Care Bear and its Magic power! Can't wait to see more of your show & tell :)
Mummy Dearest
Ashley's 1st Piano exams
Saturday, April 7, 2012
My Best Buddy, Ashley
As I watched you sleeping soundly on the mattress, Mummy’s heart is filled with lots of emotions. We spent a wonderful night at home reading a Chinese storybook, watching you played the piano and playing the new iPad game that really forces Mummy to use my head.
Last night you had an emotional outbreak in the car. As your Mum, I know why you behaved so abruptly after a wonderful evening playing piano with Kieran and having dinner at Jones the Grocer (cheese shop). You felt that I did not pay enough attention to you. I must admit that sometimes Mummy might have neglected you and can be insensitive at times. Please understand Mummy has lots to think about and was too engrossed that I missed what you said sometimes.
Deep in my heart, I love you for who you are. You have a great sense of humor like what Mr. Peck said. Your cheekiness was apparent in home videos taken when you were much younger.
Sometimes, Mummy worries that you might get into trouble in school but my concern vanished into the thin air after I spoke with your teachers during the recent Parent-Teachers conference. Your English and Form Teacher said you helped her alot as the English Rep; your Chinese Teacher said she depends on you and some cheeky boys in class to response to her Qs though she feels that you could have done better in your CA1; your Science Teacher said that you remembered your P3 & P4 work and did well in CA1 and she feels that you will score better in SA1; your Math Teacher feels that you can handle straight forward Qs but need more practice in the challenging Qs. I'll always remember what you said to me in the car few weeks ago, "Mum, don't worry. I behave differently in school. I am mature". I know, son. You have shown your maturity and self-control when you agreed to play your new Naruto Wii game tomorrow.
I know SA1 is around the corner. With your daily dose of focus and attentiveness in class and some revision at home, you'll be just fine. Cheers!
Love You Always,
Mummy Dearest
Singing students learning the song "Bo Po Mo Fo"
Mummy always enjoys watching you and your friends singing during Jiu Jian lao shi's class. I like the participation and enthusiasm demonstrated by every student. Keep it up!
Ashley learning piano from his No. 1 Idol, Kieran

Dearest Ashley,
When you asked me to send you for piano lesson after watching Kieran played at his 21st Birthday concert, I know you're serious.
At 8.5 years old, you started your 1st piano lesson. In less than 1.5 years, you passed your 1st piano exam (Grade 2) with high distinction! You received the good news one day before meeting Kieran. Here's the videos Mummy took on Good Friday. What a memorable Great Friday! Keep up the good work and the next time you see Kieran, am sure you'll reach a much higher level.
Oh...tonight's "Genossa" is the most beautiful music I've ever heard on earth. You're able to bring out the gentleness in the melody...your 1st piece from Kieran. Cherish it.
Funny rhythms recitation by Abby
Mummy almost fell off the chair when you recited the rhythms you learned in your pre-school. So entertaining. Well done!
Xinyao recitation by Abby
Time have been learning singing from Jiu Jian laoshi for 2 years as you started at 4 years old. Mummy loves your xinyao singing and how you danced with your beloved "toy friends". Enjoy the videos!
Our singing students learning the song "Singapore Pie"
Step-by-step learning is the most effective learning in learning everything, including singing. First, you memorise the lyrics, learn the rhythm then the movement. When you master the song, it's showtime! You guys rock!
Our Singing students dancing and singing "Fire"
Mummy enjoys watching you and all the students practising "Fire". Frankly, Mummy can't dance like you guys. All of you are so Pro!
The hardest cookies in the whole wide world
Dearest Ashley and Abby,
Mummy is so touched when I see you enjoyed the cookies I baked. Gosh, the cookies were so hard. Yet, you still ate them happily. Thank you very much for your support. I'm determined to attend proper baking class to improve my baking so that I could bake the tastiest cookies in the world wide world.
Friday, March 2, 2012
Xinyao performance at "Oriental Moon" concert

Dearest Abby and Ashley,
Finally we got to meet Dr. Liang Wern Fook at backstage and even took a picture with him! He is Jiu Jian Lao shi's good friend for over 20 years and together, they created Singapore original songs called "Xinyao". These wonderful "Xinyao" and their friendship have withstand the test of time.
Mummy loves the feeling of singing "Xinyao" with you guys as it brings back my secondary school days' memories. As I sing, I could "see" my "secondary school self"! I feel so young again!
You guys along with all the children did well at the "Oriental Moon" concert. Mummy is very proud of all of you. Keep up the good work and enjoy the videos Mummy taken during rehearsal, at backstage and actual performance!
Love you,
Mummy Dearest
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Abby singing Christian songs
Mummy is surprised that you know how to sing so many Christian songs after you started your K2 in your new school in Jan. Such beautiful music and meaningful words. Happy singing and enjoy the sweetest videos in the entire universe!
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Jiu Jian Teacher's singing class at Our Fun Place
Mummy always enjoys watching you and your friends singing at Jiu Jian's Teacher's class. So happy to see the little ones immersing in the beautiful music and the courage to sing on stage. Well done!
Enjoy the singing videos!
Friday, February 24, 2012
Abby created her story book, "Abby's dancing class"
Dearest Abby,
Thanks to 姑姑, she bought you a very nice storybook with your name on it, "Abby's art class". After reading the book, you shared with Mummy that you wanted to create your own story books, "Abby's dancing class", "Abby's swimming class", "Abby's singing class", etc.
Tonight, you created your 1st book of your series of Abby's class story book, "Abby's dancing class" while Mummy was busy working on my PC. Mummy was so touched when I found out that I was featured in almost every page of your story. Sob shedding tears of joy now :)
Thank you for being such a loving daughter. Mummy loves you forever.
Enjoy your video!
Mummy Dearest
Sunday, February 5, 2012
The wheelchair-bound ballroom dancing couple really touched my heart!
Friday morning on the drive to school, Mummy shared with you the story of a wheelchair-bound couple and their three beautiful children. The couple performed ballroom dancing in a Taiwan variety show. They practised six hours every day and when they fell, they got up by themselves. Their perseverance paid off - They represented Taiwan in international competitions held in US, Mexico, etc. Their eyes sparkled as they shared their overseas experience.
The most touching part was when their three lovely children showed their support to their parents. They were so proud of their parents. The eldest expressed her love for her parents, the middle daughter expressed her gratitude and happiness while the youngest son thanked her mum for preparing nutritious breakfast for the family everyday.
The family may not have the means to buy expensive things, eat at high-end restaurant or go for overseas vacation, but you could feel their happiness and contentment. I'm sure their three children went through hard knocks in life more than any regular kid. I think one of the most important things they learned is not to compare but be grateful to their parents who went through hardship to raise them up.
We tend to compare, even Mummy is guilty of it. From now on, we must learned to be grateful to the people around us, be contented with what we have and be very positive in challenging times. Love you, my compassionate boy.
Mummy dearest
Friday, January 27, 2012
Mummy's 1st article published in today's TODAY newspaper!
Dearest Ashley & Abby,
Mummy was caught by surprise this morning when I spotted my article in today's TODAY newspaper. Wow! I must be jumping up and down as this was my first time!
Guess what? I tried to write to the newspaper several times when I was a student but none of my articles were published. Now as a mother, I was first time lucky! Gosh...I can't believe a 10 mins work could appear on national newspaper. That really motivates mummy to write more and I promised Abby to write about her in my next article.
Mummy Dearest
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Ashley's Genossa and G2 exam pieces
Your natural talent in music shows as you play the piano. Remember what Kieran Kor Kor said how much time he spent in his daily practice? Yes, daily practice is the key. Your G2 exam is around the corner. Mummy wishes you all the best. Let's commit to daily practice together from now on ok? Love you.
Mummy Dearest
Abby's new composition, "Lovely Kisses for Mum" on her 6th Birthday
So sweet of you to compose a beautiful piece titled, "Lovely Kisses for Mummy" on your birthday. Mummy is so touched. Thank you so much.
Mummy Dearest
Abby welcomes the Lunar New Year with her special CNY song
The Chinese New Year song and dance by you on your birthday is marvelous! I love your singing, dancing, the split and the Chinese New Year greetings. So cute!
Mummy Dearest
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Story reading by Ashley - 母亲的 谎言 和树上的苹果
After breakfast, we started to read aloud from the Chinese storybook. Mummy is so happy you finally "开窍"! After at least 5 rounds of monotonous reading, you finally read with feelings and varied intonation.
Have a listen to your own voice. You sound so professional. You have once again proven to yourself that if you put your mind and heart in the task on hand, the results can be beyond your imagination! Keep up the good work!
Besides becoming a world-class singer, you can consider becoming a DJ as your voice is so pleasing to the listeners' ears.
Mummy Dearest
Peter Draw's charity caricature

Ashley received one of the best birthday gifts when everyone drew a caricature of him on his exact birthday!
Abby even gone ameteur by drawing caricature of Mum, Dad, Ah Gong, Ah Mah & Uncle Hadley. She even volunteered to draw for her kindergarten classmates. WOW!!!