Thursday, March 31, 2011
Abby's Favourite Chinese Library Books

Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Mummy's interpretation of 点石成金
Dearest Abby & Ashley,
Mummy met a close friend for breakfast today and after chatting with her, I feel a sense of calmness and 使命感. Everyone defines success differently. For me, success means bringing up good children who will make a positive impact in this world and people around them.
This morning, I was looking at the lyrics of 点石成金 for the first time and suddenly I could feel that my thoughts at that very moment were reflected in the chorous. The English text is my interpretation of the song:
Chorous: 点石成金路会开 (Children are like the gem in the rough. When they are properly guided, they will turn into gem/gold)
翻山越岭都是爱 (We work so hard for them simply because we love them)
脚踏尘土不曾摇摆 (Believe in your faith and stay firm)
谁在云千里之外 (Though we long for others to understand our faith)
点石成金明月在 (The shining moon guides us in the dark/ There's hope even when we are down)
不悔的人在等待 (As we give selflessly, do not expect anything in return)
手握天灯心不更改 (Stay in touch with your heart/faith and have no doubts)
照亮你我的未来 (Shine upon our future) Repeat verse 1,2 and chorous
手握天灯幸福满载 (Believe in your faith and you will be blessed)
天地日月放光彩 (Live everyday with brilliance)
We only have one life.
Mummy is very blessed with two wonderful children and am so glad I can share your happiness and sorrow there and then. I was away for 6 days and when I came back home, I could feel you guys have grown so much. Isn't it amazing?
Mummy Dearest
Mummy met a close friend for breakfast today and after chatting with her, I feel a sense of calmness and 使命感. Everyone defines success differently. For me, success means bringing up good children who will make a positive impact in this world and people around them.
This morning, I was looking at the lyrics of 点石成金 for the first time and suddenly I could feel that my thoughts at that very moment were reflected in the chorous. The English text is my interpretation of the song:
Chorous: 点石成金路会开 (Children are like the gem in the rough. When they are properly guided, they will turn into gem/gold)
翻山越岭都是爱 (We work so hard for them simply because we love them)
脚踏尘土不曾摇摆 (Believe in your faith and stay firm)
谁在云千里之外 (Though we long for others to understand our faith)
点石成金明月在 (The shining moon guides us in the dark/ There's hope even when we are down)
不悔的人在等待 (As we give selflessly, do not expect anything in return)
手握天灯心不更改 (Stay in touch with your heart/faith and have no doubts)
照亮你我的未来 (Shine upon our future) Repeat verse 1,2 and chorous
手握天灯幸福满载 (Believe in your faith and you will be blessed)
天地日月放光彩 (Live everyday with brilliance)
We only have one life.
Mummy is very blessed with two wonderful children and am so glad I can share your happiness and sorrow there and then. I was away for 6 days and when I came back home, I could feel you guys have grown so much. Isn't it amazing?
Mummy Dearest
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Abby: When I grow up, I want to be a singing Teacher
Dearest Abby,
When you were much younger, you wanted to be a Doctor when you grow up. Few days ago, you shared with Mummy that you wanted to be a singing Teacher so that you could compose new songs to teach your students when you grow up. That's a wonderful ambition. Am sure you are inspired by Jiu Jian Laoshi during the four months of Musical rehearsal.
You have been humming your own songs every now and then. I heard your Friendship song the other day in the car. You were looking out of the car window as you hummed. Shall we post your next new song on Mummy's blog so that we can remember it?
Whatever you want to be, be the BEST. Mummy knows you will become the BEST Singing Teacher when you grow up.
Love you,
Mummy Dearest
When you were much younger, you wanted to be a Doctor when you grow up. Few days ago, you shared with Mummy that you wanted to be a singing Teacher so that you could compose new songs to teach your students when you grow up. That's a wonderful ambition. Am sure you are inspired by Jiu Jian Laoshi during the four months of Musical rehearsal.
You have been humming your own songs every now and then. I heard your Friendship song the other day in the car. You were looking out of the car window as you hummed. Shall we post your next new song on Mummy's blog so that we can remember it?
Whatever you want to be, be the BEST. Mummy knows you will become the BEST Singing Teacher when you grow up.
Love you,
Mummy Dearest
Monday, March 21, 2011
Ashley: Can you stop talking to me in Chinese please?
Dearest Ashley,
Did you see yourself in the short Chinese Musical created by Wang Laoshi, our Fun Place's Chinese Speech & Drama Teacher? Though it is a simple Musical and you guys just spent 8 hours (4 days of 2 hours during Mar Holiday), you guys did well. Everyone of you could remember your own lines and I could see sparks among the kids.
You, as the 水娃娃, has the most lines. You were amazingly fluent and conversed beautifully with your peers in the Musical. You acted like a real 水娃娃, sometimes 调皮, sometimes 想念大海妈妈. Your facial expression and tone of voice reflected 水娃娃的调皮和思念. Good Acting, Son!
However, this morning, Mummy is abit puzzled when you asked me to stop talking to you in Chinese. If you love acting in Chinese Musical so much, then you have to practise your spoken Chinese whenever possible.
Acting is not just about memorizing the lines but you need to react on stage sometimes. If you recall what Teacher Alex and Jiu Jian said about how a good actor should react on stage, then you will understand what I mean.
Being a good actor or singer needs to read, speak and sing more Chinese and English songs. JJ, Stephanie Sun, and many other talented singers are Bilingual. Even JJ composed Chinese songs at ease now. I'm sure, being a ACS boy would pose as a great challenge when he first started singing and writing Chinese songs.
If there's a will, there's a way. Interest followed by hardwork is the Key to A Successful and Beautiful Singing Career in the future.
You may not notice but you are slowly and steadily leaning towards a music career. Son, it is not common to be invited to play solo piano at a public Charity show having learned piano for only 6 months. It is not common to compose your own music score when you only started playing piano for less than 2 months. It is not tyipcal for a 9 years old boy to sing, dance and act in Chinese Musical and received positive comments from Teachers and Principals. I must say you're pretty musically inclined. What you need to do more is Practise Practise and Practise. Also, if you could put words into your music, be in English or Chinese, that will be so breath- taking. Hey, you may be the next Justin Bieber. Follow your heart and you will be amazed by the outcomes.
So sorry son, Mummy is going to speak with you in Chinese even more to help you realise your dream, to be a World-Class Singer!
Cherish your talent and work even harder, son.
Love you,
Mummy Dearest
Did you see yourself in the short Chinese Musical created by Wang Laoshi, our Fun Place's Chinese Speech & Drama Teacher? Though it is a simple Musical and you guys just spent 8 hours (4 days of 2 hours during Mar Holiday), you guys did well. Everyone of you could remember your own lines and I could see sparks among the kids.
You, as the 水娃娃, has the most lines. You were amazingly fluent and conversed beautifully with your peers in the Musical. You acted like a real 水娃娃, sometimes 调皮, sometimes 想念大海妈妈. Your facial expression and tone of voice reflected 水娃娃的调皮和思念. Good Acting, Son!
However, this morning, Mummy is abit puzzled when you asked me to stop talking to you in Chinese. If you love acting in Chinese Musical so much, then you have to practise your spoken Chinese whenever possible.
Acting is not just about memorizing the lines but you need to react on stage sometimes. If you recall what Teacher Alex and Jiu Jian said about how a good actor should react on stage, then you will understand what I mean.
Being a good actor or singer needs to read, speak and sing more Chinese and English songs. JJ, Stephanie Sun, and many other talented singers are Bilingual. Even JJ composed Chinese songs at ease now. I'm sure, being a ACS boy would pose as a great challenge when he first started singing and writing Chinese songs.
If there's a will, there's a way. Interest followed by hardwork is the Key to A Successful and Beautiful Singing Career in the future.
You may not notice but you are slowly and steadily leaning towards a music career. Son, it is not common to be invited to play solo piano at a public Charity show having learned piano for only 6 months. It is not common to compose your own music score when you only started playing piano for less than 2 months. It is not tyipcal for a 9 years old boy to sing, dance and act in Chinese Musical and received positive comments from Teachers and Principals. I must say you're pretty musically inclined. What you need to do more is Practise Practise and Practise. Also, if you could put words into your music, be in English or Chinese, that will be so breath- taking. Hey, you may be the next Justin Bieber. Follow your heart and you will be amazed by the outcomes.
So sorry son, Mummy is going to speak with you in Chinese even more to help you realise your dream, to be a World-Class Singer!
Cherish your talent and work even harder, son.
Love you,
Mummy Dearest
Ashley: Mum, the Taiwanese show is Cool!
Dearest Ashley,
Out of the blue, we watched the Taiwanese show at Neinei's home last night. Was pleasantly surprise when you commented that the show is Cool! There are so much about life we can learn from the show.
You shared with me you like the elder brother best as he is brave. Though he was outnumbered by 3 hooligans, he fought hard to save his friend. Also, he is very protective towards his Mother and sister. While dealing with his own pain from his parent's divorce, he defended his sister and Mother against his Father and his Father's second wife. He didn't want to take up tuition as he wanted to help his Mother mend the noodle stall.
His tuition teacher is a very caring teacher. Though his Mother cannot afford the tuition fee, she would just accept a bowl of noodle as tuition fee. Her generousity touched the hearts of other stall keepers who came forward to offer her shoes, taohui, Karaoke for free. The world is full of warm hearted people.
You hated the second wife for breaking up the family. The way she taught her daughter to cry her way to stop her Father from visiting the other family is so wicked. What kind of value is she instilling in her daughter? Will you marry a girl like her? Rich and beautiful on the outside but poor and ugly on the inside? Picture in your mind the girl you admire? She is kind, loving, humble, friendly, happy and truthful. Mummy is not teasing you but it is important to know what you want in life and work towards it. If you want to marry an angelic girl, then you must hold the same good values as her. Angels will be attracted to Angels right?
Mummy is proud that you are becoming more angelic in your own special way. All your class Teachers gave excellent comments about your attitude and behaviour. The love for learning and people around you are much more important than getting good grades.
The ability to appreciate other's beauties and strengths is invaluable too. When I complimented Abby for thinking of others first doesn't mean you are less able in this respect. You too, think of others before self as described by your Teachers that you always help your classmates in their studies and other chores.
Abby is my special girl and you are my special boy. Both of you shine in your own light. There is no way we can compare you both as you are an apple and she is an orange.
Love you always,
Mummy Dearest
Out of the blue, we watched the Taiwanese show at Neinei's home last night. Was pleasantly surprise when you commented that the show is Cool! There are so much about life we can learn from the show.
You shared with me you like the elder brother best as he is brave. Though he was outnumbered by 3 hooligans, he fought hard to save his friend. Also, he is very protective towards his Mother and sister. While dealing with his own pain from his parent's divorce, he defended his sister and Mother against his Father and his Father's second wife. He didn't want to take up tuition as he wanted to help his Mother mend the noodle stall.
His tuition teacher is a very caring teacher. Though his Mother cannot afford the tuition fee, she would just accept a bowl of noodle as tuition fee. Her generousity touched the hearts of other stall keepers who came forward to offer her shoes, taohui, Karaoke for free. The world is full of warm hearted people.
You hated the second wife for breaking up the family. The way she taught her daughter to cry her way to stop her Father from visiting the other family is so wicked. What kind of value is she instilling in her daughter? Will you marry a girl like her? Rich and beautiful on the outside but poor and ugly on the inside? Picture in your mind the girl you admire? She is kind, loving, humble, friendly, happy and truthful. Mummy is not teasing you but it is important to know what you want in life and work towards it. If you want to marry an angelic girl, then you must hold the same good values as her. Angels will be attracted to Angels right?
Mummy is proud that you are becoming more angelic in your own special way. All your class Teachers gave excellent comments about your attitude and behaviour. The love for learning and people around you are much more important than getting good grades.
The ability to appreciate other's beauties and strengths is invaluable too. When I complimented Abby for thinking of others first doesn't mean you are less able in this respect. You too, think of others before self as described by your Teachers that you always help your classmates in their studies and other chores.
Abby is my special girl and you are my special boy. Both of you shine in your own light. There is no way we can compare you both as you are an apple and she is an orange.
Love you always,
Mummy Dearest
Abby, Mummy is very proud of you for thinking of others first
Dearest Abby,
I started to observe a precious trait developing in you. When Ashley Yap asked for the balloon bracelet, you willingly gave her yours as we run out of balloon bracelets. When Ashton wanted the milk and Happy Meal Toy, you gave him yours though he already had his Milo and burger. When you were playing lego with Ashton and Ashley Kor Kor, you would give your block to them instead of fighting over the same blocks. Mummy is very proud of you for thinking of others first. Well done, Abby. This is a very precious trait and your giving nature will bring more smiles to many.
On the last day of the Musical, Uncle Henry gave you a gigantic red lollipop. You couldn't bear to eat it. You kept it in the fridge so that you could remember Uncle Henry. That is so sweet of you. Most 5 years old would already gobble up the lollipop but you didn't. Another precious trait is starting to develop in you. You cherish the person more than the gift. That's so wonderful.
During the Pulau Ubin trip, you were always holding hands and singing with Raine and Vicky. You made them feel so at ease and happy. Your warm friendship helped them enjoy the trip even more though they did not know anyone except you. Also, your smile helped them forget about the mosquitoes, the hot sun and the aching legs.
Enjoy the singing video Mummy has taken at the Pulau Ubin trip.
I started to observe a precious trait developing in you. When Ashley Yap asked for the balloon bracelet, you willingly gave her yours as we run out of balloon bracelets. When Ashton wanted the milk and Happy Meal Toy, you gave him yours though he already had his Milo and burger. When you were playing lego with Ashton and Ashley Kor Kor, you would give your block to them instead of fighting over the same blocks. Mummy is very proud of you for thinking of others first. Well done, Abby. This is a very precious trait and your giving nature will bring more smiles to many.
On the last day of the Musical, Uncle Henry gave you a gigantic red lollipop. You couldn't bear to eat it. You kept it in the fridge so that you could remember Uncle Henry. That is so sweet of you. Most 5 years old would already gobble up the lollipop but you didn't. Another precious trait is starting to develop in you. You cherish the person more than the gift. That's so wonderful.
During the Pulau Ubin trip, you were always holding hands and singing with Raine and Vicky. You made them feel so at ease and happy. Your warm friendship helped them enjoy the trip even more though they did not know anyone except you. Also, your smile helped them forget about the mosquitoes, the hot sun and the aching legs.
Enjoy the singing video Mummy has taken at the Pulau Ubin trip.
Love you,
Mummy Dearest
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Japan Earthquake
Dearest Ashley & Abby,
When we watched the news on Japan Earthquake together, the first question you asked was whether Singapore will have any earthquake. Unlike Japan, Singapore is not located in the Earthquake zone, we are blessed with good geographical location where Earthquake is far from us.
The scene of huge waves swepting cars and houses like matchboxes must be very disturbing for you. The scene that most touches my heart was a weeping Mother whose daughter who was swept away by Tsunami waves. I could feel her sorrow as a Mother. The pain of losing one's child is beyond anyone's imagination. It is like taking the entire world from the Mother.
When calamity struck, everyone, regardless of poor or rich, young or old, male or female, suffers in the same degree as no one is spared. It forces us to re-think our priorities. To me, Family matters the most.
Let's pray that people in Japan will be reunited with their loved ones soon.
Mummy Dearest
When we watched the news on Japan Earthquake together, the first question you asked was whether Singapore will have any earthquake. Unlike Japan, Singapore is not located in the Earthquake zone, we are blessed with good geographical location where Earthquake is far from us.
The scene of huge waves swepting cars and houses like matchboxes must be very disturbing for you. The scene that most touches my heart was a weeping Mother whose daughter who was swept away by Tsunami waves. I could feel her sorrow as a Mother. The pain of losing one's child is beyond anyone's imagination. It is like taking the entire world from the Mother.
When calamity struck, everyone, regardless of poor or rich, young or old, male or female, suffers in the same degree as no one is spared. It forces us to re-think our priorities. To me, Family matters the most.
Let's pray that people in Japan will be reunited with their loved ones soon.
Mummy Dearest
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Abby, everyone loves your adorable Little Red Indian image!
Dearest Abby,
Everyone in the audience including Kor Kor's Principal, commented that you look so adorable in your Little Red Indian costume. You were smiling and singing throughout the Musical performance. Your smile has touched many people's heart. Your smile has brighten their days!
The audience including Ah Gong commented that you, being the youngest in the cast, did wonderfully well as you could remember all the dance steps and sequence. Well done. Mummy is very happy when I see how much you enjoyed yourself in the Musical. Am more amazed when you could recite other casts' lines and songs. Wow, you are really immersed in the Musical. Enjoy the rest of the Musical, 3 more shows to go. Cheers!
Mummy, your No. 1 Fan
Kudos to Pei Hwa's Principal, Teachers and Students!
Dearest Ashley,
You are indeed a very lucky boy! Your school's Principal, Mrs. Foo, Teachers, Mr. Peck, Mr. Lim and your fellow school mates came to support the Musical and you! Kudos to Mrs. Foo, Teachers and students! All of us certainly felt their applause and energy!
Mummy is very grateful to Mrs. Foo, Mr. Peck and Mr. Lim, the Chinese HOD. Without their support, Wed's 3pm show would not be a Success! With 127 P6 Students and Teachers, all the seats in the Chamber were taken up. The cast was thrilled when they see a Full House. As what Jiu Jian Laoshi said, no matter how talented the cast can be or how marvellous is the production, without the audiences' support, the talent cannot shine and show cannot go on.
Last night was another Full House. I was very touched by everyone who attended the Musical. The four months effort is well rewarded when you see how much the audience enjoys the Musical. Musical is Magical. It touches hearts and the experience and memories are Priceless. I will always remember our 1st Musical together with so many supporters!
Mummy, your No. 1 Supporter
You are indeed a very lucky boy! Your school's Principal, Mrs. Foo, Teachers, Mr. Peck, Mr. Lim and your fellow school mates came to support the Musical and you! Kudos to Mrs. Foo, Teachers and students! All of us certainly felt their applause and energy!
Mummy is very grateful to Mrs. Foo, Mr. Peck and Mr. Lim, the Chinese HOD. Without their support, Wed's 3pm show would not be a Success! With 127 P6 Students and Teachers, all the seats in the Chamber were taken up. The cast was thrilled when they see a Full House. As what Jiu Jian Laoshi said, no matter how talented the cast can be or how marvellous is the production, without the audiences' support, the talent cannot shine and show cannot go on.
Last night was another Full House. I was very touched by everyone who attended the Musical. The four months effort is well rewarded when you see how much the audience enjoys the Musical. Musical is Magical. It touches hearts and the experience and memories are Priceless. I will always remember our 1st Musical together with so many supporters!
Mummy, your No. 1 Supporter
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Splendid MCship at Pei Hwa's International Friendship Day cum Arts Fest
Dearest Ashley,
When you seek my permission to be the MC at Pei Hwa's International Friendship Day concert, I threw the Q back to you. Are you able to cope with the new lines you have to memorise for the concert and the Musical at the same time? You said yes and you really rose to the occasion. You spoke with clarity and confidence on stage. You also received positive feedback from Teachers and Principal. Well done. Keep up the good work, son.
When you seek my permission to be the MC at Pei Hwa's International Friendship Day concert, I threw the Q back to you. Are you able to cope with the new lines you have to memorise for the concert and the Musical at the same time? You said yes and you really rose to the occasion. You spoke with clarity and confidence on stage. You also received positive feedback from Teachers and Principal. Well done. Keep up the good work, son.
Love You,
Dearest Mummy
Ashley: I feel very previleged to be part of this Musical and I will do my best in every show

Dearest Ashley,
Mummy was very touched when you said this at the sharing session,"I feel very previleged to be part of this Musical. I'm do my Best for every show."
That's the spirit. Be the BEST that you can be!
I've watched all the shows except one 3pm show. I can see your best effort you put in in every show. Like what Jiu Jian Lao shi said, "Life is like a Musical. We must do our best to live life to the fullest!"
Mummy Dearest
Mummy was very touched when you said this at the sharing session,"I feel very previleged to be part of this Musical. I'm do my Best for every show."
That's the spirit. Be the BEST that you can be!
I've watched all the shows except one 3pm show. I can see your best effort you put in in every show. Like what Jiu Jian Lao shi said, "Life is like a Musical. We must do our best to live life to the fullest!"
Mummy Dearest
Ashley: That calls for a celebration!
Dearest Ashley,
I could see the sparkle in your eyes when I fetch you from school on Tuesday. You can't wait to share your sterling school report card on your attitude and behaviour. You scored 80% 4 and 20% 3. That means your behaviour and attitude in class are among the top. Well done!
Having positive learning attitude is more important than grades. For CA1, you got 92 for your Chinese, 80 for Math, 67 for English and 64 for Science. Am sure with your right learning attitude, your grades will continue to improve. Mummy is very hopeful that you will do very well in SA1.
We celebrated your success after the rehearsal at Out of the Pan. I can see you enjoyed your dinner by the fountain. More celebrations await you, son!!!!!!!!
Mummy Dearest
I could see the sparkle in your eyes when I fetch you from school on Tuesday. You can't wait to share your sterling school report card on your attitude and behaviour. You scored 80% 4 and 20% 3. That means your behaviour and attitude in class are among the top. Well done!
Having positive learning attitude is more important than grades. For CA1, you got 92 for your Chinese, 80 for Math, 67 for English and 64 for Science. Am sure with your right learning attitude, your grades will continue to improve. Mummy is very hopeful that you will do very well in SA1.
We celebrated your success after the rehearsal at Out of the Pan. I can see you enjoyed your dinner by the fountain. More celebrations await you, son!!!!!!!!
Mummy Dearest
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Our very own Young Brave Warriors!
Dearest Ashley,
When I first read this article, Mummy could feel my goose bumps. I was very touched by the boys' inspiring stories.
Overcoming Handicap
Samuel Chong has only one arm, but he scored 5 As to be the school's top student. His left arm was amputated when he was diagnosed with bone cancer at age seven. He also plays the trumpet in his award-winning school band!
Overcoming Grief
Alvin was aware that the A levels were his last chance to achieve something for his ailing mother, so he gave it everything he had, while making time to be with her. His mother passed away in January from cancer. He was so inspired by his Mum's chief Oncologist that he is considering Medicine degree.
Overcoming Pain
After a bicycle accident, Chuan Kai took his papers with both arms bandaged and his body dosed on painkillers, he scored all As except the one he sat through with elbows unbroken. He could barely write a word and the pain was killing him but he pressed on.
We can learn so much for these three determined and courageous young men. The stress and pain they had gone through is beyond our imagination.
I wish to quote RI Principal Lim Lai Cheng,"It is not the parents' academic qualifications that matter but the values they pass on and whether the student wants to make full use of the opportunities in school."
My Mum is illiterate and my Dad stopped school at Sec 2. Dad's Mum stopped school at Sec 4 and Ah Gong stopped school at Pri 3. In those days, they were so poor that they had no choice but to start working at a young age to bring home the beacon. Yeye and Neinei started as construction workers before Yeye started his own construction firm. Ah Gong started his door-to-door bread selling when he was 9 years old before he opened a wholeseller shop. They were busy working to feed the family. The moment they stopped working, the family went hungry.
So, do you think we get help from our parents and tutors in our study? No. We have no money to engage any tutors and our parents have no time and knowledge to help us in our study. We self studied all the way to University. All our siblings including ourselves got into University.
How did it happen? Our parents instilled the values of good education to us since young. Their famous words,"If you don't study hard, you will become gabbage collector." So, all of us studied very hard since young.
Hardwork is our Middle name. There is no shortcut in life. Hardwork keeps our feet on the ground and fills our heart with love and gratitude.
Aren't you very lucky to have your parents and tutors to help you in your studies? It is now your turn to decide your own future. Cheers!
Love you all,
Mummy and Daddy Dearest
NOG The NAG Bird is very proud of his big orange feet!
Dearest Abby & Ashley,
Mummy enjoyed storytime with you, especially last night. Never know a funny book like the NOG The NAG Bird could help me better understand your inner thoughts. Here's our conversation:
Mummy: NOG the Nag Bird hates his big yellow beak and his little wings and most of all he hates his enormous orange feet. It tried so hard to look like the beautiful tweetzie bird with his long shell beak, red dress crown, two giant jubby plant leaves wings and the long branches legs. He looked so ridiculous! He's neither one thing nor the other. When the squonky cat tried to catch them, the tweetzie birds flew away while the nag birds ran for their lives. NOG managed to escape just in time as his big orange feet swept him away like a racing car.
So, kids, what did you learn from this story?
Ashley: My friends may have iPhone in school, bigger bedroom and bigger bed with bigger TV at home, I do not need these things to be happy. I'm happy with what I have. I don't need to follow my friends.
Abby: Lindy and Kathy have many barbie dolls and I have only a few but I'm still happy. In fact, I want to give away my barbie dolls as I've out-grown them already.
Mummy: Wow! These are very good thoughts. You're right. We don't need to follow others to be happy. We just be who we are and lead a contented and happy life. Good sharing, children.
Mummy enjoyed storytime with you, especially last night. Never know a funny book like the NOG The NAG Bird could help me better understand your inner thoughts. Here's our conversation:
Mummy: NOG the Nag Bird hates his big yellow beak and his little wings and most of all he hates his enormous orange feet. It tried so hard to look like the beautiful tweetzie bird with his long shell beak, red dress crown, two giant jubby plant leaves wings and the long branches legs. He looked so ridiculous! He's neither one thing nor the other. When the squonky cat tried to catch them, the tweetzie birds flew away while the nag birds ran for their lives. NOG managed to escape just in time as his big orange feet swept him away like a racing car.
So, kids, what did you learn from this story?
Ashley: My friends may have iPhone in school, bigger bedroom and bigger bed with bigger TV at home, I do not need these things to be happy. I'm happy with what I have. I don't need to follow my friends.
Abby: Lindy and Kathy have many barbie dolls and I have only a few but I'm still happy. In fact, I want to give away my barbie dolls as I've out-grown them already.
Mummy: Wow! These are very good thoughts. You're right. We don't need to follow others to be happy. We just be who we are and lead a contented and happy life. Good sharing, children.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Abby's Favourite Library books
Dearest Mummy,
My favourite library books are Ballyhoo Bay, The Pigeon wants a Puppy, Booming Bella and Ruby Nettleship and the Ice Lolly Adventure.
I like Ballyhoo Bay because Mira Bella loves to paint. She is very brave to create Plan B to save Ballyhoo Bay from the builders. I like the dry art, wet art and high art.
I like The Pigeon wants a Puppy because the Pigeon is very crazy. The Pigeon must be careful what it wishes for the next time as the Puppy is 10x her size.
I like Booming Bella because she uses her loud voice to stop the wrong bus she boarded. Sometimes, it is good to have a big voice but we must always remember to use indoor voice when we are in a buiding like the library.
I like Ruby Nettleship & the Ice Lolly Adventure because I love the new playground that sprouted from the glowing Ice cream stick. I love the giant rollar coaster best.
Thanks Mummy for bringing me to the library. I love to read library books.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Ashley: Mum, Rohan sings like a Pro!
Dearest Ashley,
Though you were not selected by Disney during the 4th Audition on 2 March, you were not as disappointed as in Dec. In fact, you spoke of Rohan's singing power with great admiration. Mummy promised you to watch Rohan in the Lion King Musical.
As you grow older and meet more people, you will realise many people are more talented than you. Yes, you are very talented too. However, any audition can only have one winner. Mummy is happy that you have the capacity to admire other people's talents and beauties. That's very gracious of you. I was chatting with Rohan's mum while waiting for you boys. Rohan was voted by his school mates as the School Master. School Master is like the Head Prefect. He will lead the pledge, raise the flag and be a good role model to his school mates. He is very well-rounded. Though he is the youngest at home, he is very independent.
Am sure you and Rohan's path will cross again someday as there can't many boys who love to sing, dance, perform, cartwheel and do the worm move. Hahaha...
Mummy Dearest
Our very own indoor and outdoor recording studio!
Dearest Ashley and Abby,
We had so much fun recording in the car and in Ah Ma's house. Happy listening!
We had so much fun recording in the car and in Ah Ma's house. Happy listening!
Ashley's own version of Lion King
Abby's own version of Love Song
Ashley's Forest Song
Abby and Ashley's FIRE Song
Mummy Dearest
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